Unique Smartphone Photo Walk through Middelburg
Do you like taking pictures and capturing beautiful moments, but you don't feel like carrying a big camera all the time?
Do you want to be able to take really nice pictures with the camera you always have in your pocket, and now you want to know what all those icons are for?
Then this SmartWalk through beautiful Middelburg is really something for you, because you will learn to look with different eyes and take better pictures.
The best photo tips & tricks from a professional photographer. By the end of the hike, you're guaranteed to have some great photos in your pocket!
Wanneer: woensdag tot en met zaterdag
Maximaal aantal deelnemers per wandeling: 12
Het is ook mogelijk om met een eigen groep te boeken. Dit kan al vanaf 8 personen. Kies zelf locatie, datum en tijd.