
One of the most beautiful and oldest courtyards in Middelburg; De Kuiperspoort. The hofje lies almost unnoticed between the Dam and the Rouaanse kaai.

A true oasis of calm in the bustling city center. Since 1642 this was the place where coopers, craftsmen in making barrels, gathered. Here goods were stored in barrels. Iron rings on the ground were used to slowly hoist the barrels in and out of the cellars of the warehouses. Wander the cobblestones of this quaint little street. Look around and enjoy old facades and warehouses converted into homes. This picturesque spot provides an idyllic backdrop for the most beautiful photos.

A hidden treasure in Middelburg!



4331 LK Middelburg

51.4973949, 3.611483

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Middelburg in 3D

De historie van Middelburg is op veel plekken te zien / Maar er is ook een heleboel niet meer zichtbaar en beleefbaar. 

Via deze link krijg je een kijkje in de verborgen geschiedenis van de Kuiperspoort in de 16e eeuw.

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Present of the slavery past

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Expositions & Exhibitions

Solo exhibition 'The Directions' by Hannah Black

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Logo The Directions
Expositions & Exhibitions

"Lines of Memory: The Camp and the Thinking Heart"

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Expositions & Exhibitions

'Soul' the exhibition by Rosette Verschueren

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Expositions & Exhibitions