Etty Hillesum House
On January 15, 1914, Jewish diarist Etty Hillesum was born in the stately mansion at 77 Molenwater in Middelburg. In this house Etty began her short life that was characterized on the one hand by war and persecution, on the other hand it was a life full of beauty, literature, art, hope, faith and love.
In the house where Etty Hillesum was born on January 15, 1914, the life story of the diarist is told in the context of history in an interactive way. The exhibition consists of a thematic presentation in which the inner growth of Etty Hillesum is presented and brought into connection/dialogue with the historical and local context. Etty's vision and her ideas regarding the war and anti-Semitism are central, and these are linked to the situation in the Zeeland capital and its Jewish community.
Etty Hillesum was named the greatest Middelburger of all time in 2017. That's no mean feat! With her diaries and Westerbork letters, she left behind a not-to-be-underestimated historical document that has a special role within the testimonies of the Shoah.
Molenwater 77
4331 SE Middelburg
Vrijdag: 13.00 – 17.00 uur
Zaterdag en Zondag: 13.00 – 17.00 uur
Tijdens feestdagen is het Etty Hillesum Huis gesloten.