CBK Zeeland

CBK Zeeland is an active center for visual arts, design and architecture. The organization supports and informs artists, designers and architects and encourages mutual cooperation. The center develops activities that contribute to ensuring that more art can be seen in the daily lives of everyone in Zeeland.

With the organization of exhibitions, excursions and discussion meetings, CBK Zeeland wants to introduce the public to art, design and architecture.



Balans 17
4331 BL Middelburg

Opening hours

Maandag t/m vrijdag van 9.00 tot 17.00 uur en elke eerste zondag van de maand van 13.00 tot 17.00 uur, met uitzondering van de eerste zondag in januari.


51.501444, 3.613881

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Present of the slavery past

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Expositions & Exhibitions

Solo exhibition 'The Directions' by Hannah Black

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Logo The Directions
Expositions & Exhibitions

"Lines of Memory: The Camp and the Thinking Heart"

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'Soul' the exhibition by Rosette Verschueren

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Expositions & Exhibitions