
The Middelburg Abbey is one of Middelburg's most beautiful historic sites and a wonderful place to enjoy a bench. The round building, with a picturesque square in the middle, was built in the 12th century. Back then, Middelburg had a large religious center. Located in the center of the city, the complex has four large towers, a small tower, several beautiful gates and beautiful stained-glass windows.

The complex has been restored several times. Most recently after the devastation caused by the forgotten bombing of Middelburg on May 17, 1940. Part of the Abbey are the abbey tower, called the Lange Jan, and two churches, the Koorkerk and the Nieuwe Kerk.

Now the Zeeuws Museum is located in part of the abbey. Here you can also visit a lunch café with a terrace (for which you don't need a museum ticket). Another part of the abbey is used by the Province of Zeeland.

The cultural heart of Middelburg



4331 EW Middelburg

51.4973912, 3.6114833

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Middelburg in 3D

Klik op deze link en neem een kijkje in de verborgen geschiedenis. Herleef en zie hoe de Abdij er aan toe was na het bombardement in mei 1940.


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