It storms in Wouter's brain. Big news and small sufferings, it does something to Wouter. Wouter ponders, talks and reflects, worries and sees solutions and opportunities. Wouter is a father, writer, joke maker and ultra runner.
He takes you on a journey through Swiss mountains, Carré, parking lots with a smell and the merciless hills of the Barkely Marathons. In Storm Brain Wouter takes a more honest look than ever at himself and the world. Anything to cry about is mercilessly ridiculed.
Wouter Monden is the sympathetic host of the wildly popular Elektra Podcast. He has interviewed more than 200 colleagues including Theo Maassen, Brigitte Kaandorp, Peter Pannekoek, and Philippe Geubels. Wouter is the regular audience warm-up for all of Arjen Lubach's television shows and regularly performs in various comedy clubs. He was also featured on the evening show Stand-Ups.
- 28 March 2025
Stadsschouwburg Middelburg
Molenwater 99